Hassan Shah


Hassan is a one of the original founding partners of SP Law and is also an SRA approved Manager and a Compliance Officer for the firm.

He completed a joint honours degree in Law & Politics (LLB) at the University of Keele in 1996 before obtaining a Masters in International Human Rights & EC Law (LLM) at Kings College, London. Hassan undertook his Legal Practice Course at Nottingham Trent before qualifying as a Solicitor in 2001.

He began his legal career in 1998 working at a local firm which specialised in personal injury work. Hassan then went on to develop his skills at Irwin Mitchell, one of the largest firms nationally, before co-founding SP Law which began trading in 2005. Hassan was appointed Assistant Coroner in 2014.

Having developed a specialism in Landlord and Tenant law, he now acts for a great many local letting agents and private landlords. Hassan undertakes his own advocacy whenever possible, representing his clients before Judges in Chambers and open Court.

He also has a thriving employment practice, advising both employers and employees. In 2012, Hassan brought a successful claim for compensation for 100 employees of a national company who had received inadequate consultation during a redundancy process. More recently, he has helped a number of local businesses to draft bespoke employment contracts and advised on disciplinary disputes and TUPE outsourcing/service provision changes. He also deals with settlement/compromise agreements on a regular basis.

His broad experience in civil litigation also includes debt claims, misrepresentation, consumer contracts and trusts of land disputes.

In his spare time, Hassan enjoys playing tennis for the Kings Park Club and is heavily involved with a number of local community organisations, most notably as trustee and former chair of the Northampton Inter Faith Forum. In 2012, Hassan was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by Northamptonshire Police for his work with the community and local Police Community Engagement Officers. Hassan also sat on the Police Independent Advisory Group and in recent years has provided training to local agencies in relation to preventing honour based violence.

In January 2014, he completed a charity sleep out at Christ Church on Wellingborough Road in order to raise funds for the Hope Centre, Northampton’s local homeless shelter.

Hassan speaks fluent Urdu and Punjabi.